Wednesday, December 26, 2007


There are a few things that can motivate you. I know I have experienced three forces that have determined the majority of my movements and actions: fear, guilt, and love. The first two are great motivators if you are just judging by their shear force and influence. But they are terrible motivators as well, because they do not produce anything but more of themselves. They do not inspire and they do not create.

Love is the greatest motivator because it has the ability to be influential, inspirational, and creative. The problem with love is that it is so difficult for a human heart to grab onto. It is much easier to hold onto fear or guilt because then you can always be sizing up and protecting yourself from threat. With love, you must be willing to let go of managing threat (which is always present) and shift your eyes to something positive in yourself and someone else, something you desire to move toward, rather than away from.