Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What are you for?

Here's a question worth thinking about if you're one of those people (like me) who tend to be skeptical about things right off the bat: is your skepticism leading you toward something? It is quite possible that you are against everything and not really for anything. That means that if no one else said or thought anything, you would have nothing to say or believe.

Here's a more focused version of the question: Is your skepticism leading you toward God? Is your skepticism present because of the truth you already know in your heart? I think Jesus was quite skeptical (and rightfully critical) about religion, but it was because he was very focused on Love and on what his Father wanted him to do. He wasn't necessarily there to take down religion. He had something very specific he was trying to do and the religious people kept getting in his way because they weren't focused on the same thing he was. It's kind of a shift: what are you for?