Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Anyway, back to stuff that happens without us knowing it happens - you know how weirdo psychologists and therapists talk about "unconscious" thoughts and drives? And there's that rumor going around that we only use like 10% of our brains. Well that makes me think that there is a lot more going on than just what we say or think, or at least than we know we think. What other thoughts are bouncing around in our heads that we have no access to? And what of dreams? Those are weird - where do they come from?

Part of developing a spiritual life, then, might be to gain more access to those parts of your mind - the parts of who you are just waiting to be developed. The goal is definitely to connect with a different realm than we are used to living in. How much is out there (and in there) that is yet to be discovered because we are so focused on the temporal, the material, the verbal?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Oh yes, I was thinking that there is so much that happens in the world that happens without us knowing that it happens. At times, we treat the world like everything can be explained. I mean, so much of our effort and energy goes into trying to put words to the human experience. We have the news, which drolly reports all sorts of inane as well as some important happenings. There are billions of books that try to explicate what is and imagine what isn't. Then we beings here fill up the air with rantings and retellings of all we have endured. There's some blogs.

The air and the ground get full of words and all the while, more often than not, it seems that God is silent. I start to think that maybe God wants to reach us, touch us, and commune with us on a different level, that he gets tired of all the words and just wants to move in spirit within and around us without having to explain everything. There is the whole spiritual realm that we don't talk about because it's really hard to. You have to feel it.

Monday, June 16, 2008


We're really bad at relationships. I mean, do you ever think about how much shear force it takes just to keep a family together? You have to work at it (I mean, at least I do) like all day everyday. It's like treading water. You can't just lay there and let it happen. You have to do some serious maintenance like, constantly.

And then we go and try to live in community and look what happens - it just compounds the problem. You take people with their individual issues and struggles and hang-ups and pet peeves and you combine them with other people who have some other baggage and then you put a bunch of those groups of people together. I mean, that's just stupid if you think about it, but that's what we're called to.

I'm thankful for it at times. There's nothing more interesting than a relationship and there's nothing else worth fighting for. The problem is, we get to the point where we just give up on relationships because there are too many problems. We go looking for new ones or look to things to fulfill our need for connection. It's a good thing God's all about reconciliation. He's better at it.