Wednesday, February 10, 2010

These Days, I'm Not So Sure

This guy - Joe Pug - is a great songwriter. This song - "Not So Sure" - is about becoming more unsure the older you get. You know, like "the more you know, the more you realize you don't know..."

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

Sovereignty III

My beliefs in God's sovereignty come down to this: God knows and I don't. It's kind of hard to admit sometimes because our lives are built on pursuing more and more knowledge and power and it is important for us to be smarter than other people and act like we are in control. The truth is that we are very small and there are a lot of things we think and we are going find out they are just total rubbish.

Have you read the book of Job? Job and his friends spend copious amounts of discourse speculating about how God works. They talk like they know about why what happened happened. The truth is they don't know and God, very focused on Job and his "spiritual formation," teaches Job something very important. He sort of takes Job on a tour of the cosmos in order to expand Job's perspective - his worldview, if you will. When Job gets done, I'm sure he realizes that he had no idea what he was talking about and God, who has everything under his control, has a pretty good idea what he's talking about.

The moral: don't presume to understand you know what is happening. Trust me, you don't have the whole story. There is only One who has that. That's why he is God and we are us.