Saturday, October 27, 2007

Look Closely

I can't get it out of my head that Christianity is this sort of rebellious, underground thing. Jesus went around telling people not to tell others who he was (What? So, you could actually be doing what Jesus told you not to do by telling others about him?) and also, there were a lot of people who did not know Jesus was God. Think about that for a minute - Jesus could have shown people quite handily that he was God (doing a lot more cool tricks would have been one way), but the jury is still out on the whole God-man thing for a lot of people.

It's amazing because the whole premise of Christianity (and the story of the world) is fairly obvious - God was and is, he created the earth and everything in it, man chose to betray him, God spent a lot of time and energy trying to redeem him. God kind of has a corner on the market. He is the only true God. He could choose the straightforward way of revealing himself, but he doesn't. He chooses to be rather subversive. You could actually be face-to-face with him and not even know it. That's how under-the-radar God chooses to be.

Unbelievable, because we spend all this time trying to bring God to the surface for people, using his name a lot, building buildings supposedly in his honor, lobbying for what we think he might, and expanding our empires in his name. All the while, God is probably roaming the streets somewhere, rummaging through a trash can for some food.

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